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TCCAC-A Holistic Approach

Discover the vital role of the Tribal Child Care Association in this insightful video, showcasing how we support and advocate for child care programs across 80% of California’s Federally Recognized Tribes. Learn about our collaborative efforts in providing professional support while honoring culture as the forefront of tribal child care.


We Kindly Offer a Variety of Programs

Cultural Humility
The TCCAC Culture Committee is asking all California Tribes to join together to support equity in early learning and care for Tribal communities through your voice and your stories! Join us and take your seat at the table in this exciting engagement.
Learn More > ​
Workforce Pathways Program
Our Workforce Pathways Program continues with new applications starting July 1, 2025. With funding provided through CDSS's QCC Workforce Grant, TCCAC's workforce program supports child care providers in all settings
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Tribal Community Voice Visit
The Tribal Community Voice Visit is to build trust and establish partnerships that will expand the access and quality of early learning and care for native children and supporting local level systems-building for Tribal Child Care.
Learn More > ​
QCC/TQIS Tribal Region
Quality Counts California (QCC) is a statewide system of locally-implemented quality improvement systems (TQIS), to connect providers, parents, and families to high-quality early learning and care programs & systems, and ensures that infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children have quality early learning experiences in their local communities.
Learn More > ​


This video highlights our commitment to work hand in hand with a diverse range of partners to elevate the quality and cultural relevance of tribal child care in CA. Discover how we unite tribes, engage with local, state, and federal agencies, and leverage these partnerships to broaden awareness and understanding of tribal child care programs.

Our Partners

Office of Child Care
California Area
Department of Education State of California
First 5 of California
California Child Care Resource & Referral Network
California Department of Social Services
Thrive Community Building
Build Initiative
Heising-Simons Foundation