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Tribal Child Care Association of California

Workforce Pathways

2024/2025 TCCAC Workforce Pathways Program

(July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025)

With funding provided through CDSS’s QCC Workforce Grant, The Tribal Child Care Association of California (TCCAC) has developed a workforce program to support child care providers in all settings. This program provides teachers in centers, providers with family friend and neighbor programs, aunts and grandmas operating relative care programs, everyone who is dedicated to caring for Tribal children in California an opportunity to further develop their skills in culturally relevant ways.

TCCAC will support participants by identifying and overcoming barriers to reaching goals through financial supports, identifying resources and incentivizing goal completion with a stipend program.

Workforce Requirements:

  • You must be a current child care provider for children in Tribal Early Learning and Care Programs age 0-5 years.
    Employment verification is required.
  • iPinwheel Application Deadline: December 31, 2024
  • Register a new account: https://tccac.ipinwheel.org/StaffApplication/Account/Register
  • You do not need to re-register on iPinwheel if you participated in the 23/24 Workforce Year, but you must notify your Workforce Advisor that you want to participate again and schedule your PD Plan Meeting.
  • Stipends provided for all courses/ trainings completed between July 1, 2024 – June 15, 2025.
  • Each participant will work with the Workforce Advisor to set goals and identify resources needed. You must meet with your Workforce Advisor to create a Professional Development Plan to receive your stipend.
  • There may be a cap on stipend totals. Potential earning bonuses available dependent on program participation
    and availability of funds.
  • Stipends will be paid out in November 2025.

TCCAC Higher Education:

TCCAC wants to ensure participants are supported to meet their higher education goals. Participants working towards Teacher Certification, Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, or Master’s Degree with an emphasis on Early Learning
and Care will receive stipends upon completion.

TCCAC can support with books, materials, and other expenses related to reaching your higher education goals.

The Workforce Advisor will assist with goal setting and identifying needed supports.

For more information on our TCCAC Workforce Pathways Program, including the application process, contact Sara Zapata at workforce@tribalchildcareca.org


TCCAC Professional Development Pathways 

TCCAC has created custom pathways to support professional development for Tribal Child Care providers. Stipends provided for Pathway trainings as well as other approved professional development trainings and certifications. Most trainings will receive a stipend at the rate of $20/ per hour, unless otherwise noted. 

See the 6 Pathways below for more detailed information, including meeting times and locations.

Health & Safety Pathway Focus on basic health and safety standards required for Tribal Early Learning programs and ways to go beyond the basics with best practices and incorporate nutrition, nature and culture into health.

Health & Safety Series First Tuesday of every month at 11:00am & 6:00pm. (Virtual/ Zoom)

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

MCART- Mandated Child Abuse Reporter Training (*5:30-7:30pm ONLY)

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Prevention of Sudden Death Syndrome & Use of Safe Sleep Practices

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Administration of Medication

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Prevention and Response to Emergencies Due to Food & Allergy Reactions & Physical Activity

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Building and Physical Premises Safety & Emergency Preparedness and Response Planning for Emergencies Resulting from a Natural Disaster or Human Caused Event

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome & Abusive Head Trauma

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Appropriate Precautions in Transporting Children

Tuesday, May 6, 2025

Handling and Storage of Hazardous Materials & the Appropriate Disposal of Biocontainment

 Farm to ECE/ Outdoor Education Series

July 31, 2024


Niki Harris- Pasture Raised Kids

Farm to ECE Focus Group: TCCAC Focus Group in partnership with Pasture Raised Kids for a conversation about creating a culturally relevant ECE Farm to School activity guide. They are seeking input from Tribes throughout the state of California as they build their curriculum.

September 11, 2024


Niki Harris- Pasture Raised Kids

Outdoor Education: Nature-based learning for young children highlights the advantages of outdoor education and nature-based learning. It shares techniques and activities for integrating natural environments into daily learning experiences, discussing how outdoor education supports holistic development and connects children to their cultural and environmental heritage.

November 6, 2024


Niki Harris- Pasture Raised Kids

Farm to School Programs: Connecting children with food sources discusses the implementation of farm to school programs, emphasizing the value of teaching children about where their food comes from. It includes ideas for activities, such as gardening projects, farm visits, and cooking classes, that engage children in the process of growing, preparing, and appreciating healthy food.

January 22, 2025


Niki Harris- Pasture Raised Kids 

Creative Freedom in Play-Based Learning: Principles of play-based learning and the importance of creative freedom in early childhood education. It shares methods for creating environments that encourage imaginative play and self-directed learning, highlighting the role of educators in facilitating rather than directing play, and offering examples of successful play-based learning setups.

March 26, 2025


Kim Nall -TCCAC Executive Director 

Natural Outdoor Classrooms/ Promoting Risky Play: Appropriate risk-taking in children’s play. Kim Nall provides helpful definitions, practice strategies for thinking through the different risks and benefits of various play types, and for including children in assessing risks and benefits.

Wellness & Healing Pathway Focus on healing, resiliency, wellness, and adult social/ emotional curriculum by addressing trauma faced by children, families, providers, and communities.

Trauma Responsive and Resilience Building Practices for Early Childhood Providers- Sara Zapata

This training is offered in two parts and brought to you by COBI, the Center for Optimal Brain Integration. It is designed to support early childhood providers serving children ages 3 through 8 years olds with a history of trauma. This training will support ECE providers working in a range of settings and environments with young children. Join us in either the fall or the spring for the class.

Fall 2024 Cohort

Dates: TBD

Part 1: Neurobiology of trauma and the science of healing, hope and resilience.

Dates: TBD

Part 2: Concrete skills and practices to create nurturing, responsive and healing engaged programs for children who have been impacted by trauma and traumatic stress.

 Spring 2025 Cohort

Thursday, January 23, 2025


Part 1: Neurobiology of trauma and the science of healing, hope and resilience.


Thursday, January 30, 2025


Part 2: Concrete skills and practices to create nurturing, responsive and healing engaged programs for children who have been impacted by trauma and traumatic stress.

Wellness Wednesday Gathering (Virtual/ Zoom) 2nd Wednesday/ (12:00-12:30pm) Lunchtime Series

The second Wednesday of every month we will present a mini-lunchtime training/ conversation, just 30 minutes, on a healing topic. Jump on during your lunchbreak, or while taking a walk. We will be incorporating breathing exercises, meditation, stretching, etc.

September 11, 2024


Freida Bennett

October 9, 2024

Mindfulness with Kids

Sara Zapata

November 13, 2024


Michelle Zive

December 11, 2024

Reactive Strategies to Reboot and Find Calm

Sara Zapata

January 8, 2025

Healthy Habits for the New Year

Sara Zapata

February 12, 2025

What is Your Love Language?

Sara Zapata

March 12, 2025

Breathe for Change

Jenni McGowan

April 9, 2025

The 7 Pillars of Self Care

Sara Zapata

May 14, 2025

Yoga for Kids

Jenni McGowan

Ka’m-t’em: A Journey Toward Healing Book Study –Spring 2025 **Stipend Pending

Indigenous testimonials of resistance, renewal, advocacy, resilience, beauty, and awakening. In the sharing and in the listening of Indigenous testimonials, we are reminded of the beauty and the strength within us. The precious knowledge shared in this book inspires reclamation of identity and encourages readers to seek, search, embrace, and value their own truth.  Schedule TBD.

Early Learning Leadership Pathway Recommended for child care administrators and lead teachers who provide direct services and would like to sharpen their early learning leadership skills. The goal is to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and abilities of early care directors and emerging leaders to ensure quality child care programs for young children.

2024/2025 TQIS (Tribal Quality Improvement Systems) Monthly Meetings (Virtual/ Zoom) Third Wednesday/ 12pm-1pm. Administrators only. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Optimistic Leadership Overview- Leading for Children & Celebrating Successes

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Intro to Pyramid Model/ CYBHI Leadership Team

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Welcome & Overview of TQIS/ Program Goals/ Overview of Workforce

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Wednesday, October 16, 2024  


Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Wednesday, January 15, 2025  


Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Wednesday, March 19, 2025  


Wednesday, April 16, 2025


Wednesday, May 21, 2025  

Topic: Needs Assessment & 25/26 Goal Updates

Wednesday, June 18, 2025  

Topic: End of Year/ Celebrating Successes

Coaching/ Mentoring/ California Mentor – Early Childhood Education- A Deeper Understanding

Dates: October 5, 2024 – March 1, 2025

The six-session Community of Practice (CoP) is open by invitation only. Topics include Adult Learning Principles (Adult Learning Competencies), Implementing Culturally responsive practices, DAP & CA Early Learning Resources, Mentor Strategies Space is limited. Mileage reimbursement is available to participants. Registration closes on September 20, 2024.




October 5, 2024


Chabot College, 25555 Hesperian Blvd., Bldg. 400, Hayward, CA

November 2, 2024


Virtual/ Zoom

December 7, 2024


Virtual/ Zoom


January 11, 2025


Chabot College, 25555 Hesperian Blvd., Bldg. 400, Hayward, CA


February 1, 2025



March 1, 2025


Virtual/ Zoom

 ECE as a Business (Kim Nall & Frieda Bennett) Spring 2025- Dates/ Times TBD *Lunchtime mini-series (30 minutes).


Creating a business plan/ model


Fiscal viability


Cost of care


Grant writing 101


Policies & procedures


Building effective T/TA Models

5 Commitments of Optimistic Leaders- Book Study

Administrators/Leaders (Virtual/ Zoom) 7 Sessions –Dates TBD *Limited to 14 people.

October/ November 2024














5 Commitments of Optimistic Leaders- Book Study

Teachers/ Providers (Virtual/ Zoom) 7 Sessions –Dates TBD *Limited to 14 people.

October/ November 2024














Engaging Families in Tribal Communities Pathway Professional development opportunities for those wanting to increase their skills for engaging families in their communities.

CCRC Regional Parent Cafe Training

In Person Trainings- Dates to be determined.

The Parent Café model is based on the foundation of Strengthening Families 5 Protective Factors and has proven to be an effective way to engage parents in discussions around topics that are relevant to their community. Café conversation themes and topics are flexible and can be developed to address the needs of any situation. The goals for Parent Cafes are to provide engagement, connections, learning and opportunities for Parent Leadership building. During this training, participants will learn about the framework of the café and work on creating a café that they may take back with them to their program. TCCAC Workforce Participants can submit training certificates to Workforce for a stipend. And PDGR funds can provide all eligible programs with café stipends.


Cultural Humility Pathway Opportunities to understand the accurate history of Native Americans, the historical process of trauma to the Native population, and how California Natives are still present, active, and involved in the modern world. Explorations of Tribal resilience, medicine, storytelling, and culture.


Native American Historical and Traditional Healing Project- TCCAC COHORT (Virtual/ Zoom) Must register in advance, space is limited. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Five-part series for educators, health professionals, or the public who desire a broader education about the region’s first peoples. Curriculum with a mental health lens on the historical hardships Native Americans face in contemporary times due to colonization. The curriculum encompasses the vital nature of California’s history from the Native American perspective. Inclusive of the pre-contact history, the series continues as Euro-settlers invaded the continent and ultimately California. The result on the Native people was a trauma so severe it embedded into the DNA. The presentation of historical trauma of the land’s first peoples is concluded with a healing element to create a space for understanding.

Monday, October 7, 2024


Topic: Overview of Napa County Regional Native History from pre-Colonial to Contemporary times Healing Element: Traditional uses of sage. The importance and impact of smudging with sage, the different methods used by native communities, and the taboos involved.

Monday, October 21, 2024


Topic: Pre-colonial History of California Natives The beauty and complexity of the local Native communities before European contact. Healing Element: Traditional uses of salt for healing.

Monday, November 4, 2024


Topic: Colonial History in California Native Territories. The intense trauma of a +10,000-year-old civilization decimated in 25 years. Healing Element: Traditional uses of tobacco. The traditional healing and ceremonial use of tobacco. Taboos involved.

Monday, November 18, 2024


Topic: Post-Colonial History of California Natives Discussions of the core causes of lateral violence and substance abuse within the Native Community today Healing Element: Traditional uses of the rattle. The traditional healing and ceremonial use of the rattle. How different types of rattles are used.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Topic: “Thrival” and Tribal Resiliency How culture and ceremony help Native communities Survive and thrive. Healing Element: Traditional Uses of the Drum. The traditional healing and ceremonial use of the drum. How different types of drums are used.

Child Development Pathway Skills and knowledge needed to enhance knowledge and quality in childcare and early education for those in direct services with children.


Finding the Right PITCH w/ Tamar Andrews (Virtual Meetings- 6:00pm-7:00pm)

Most teachers plan quite intentionally for the projects and lessons they provide for young children. Most teachers, though, do not plan for all four environments that young children have in early childhood programs. These include the physical, interpersonal, temporal, and curricular environments. When done correctly, classrooms have higher levels of harmony and lower levels of dysregulation. This training sequence will provide participants with the tools they need to understand how these environments dovetail, and how to evaluate, plan for, and use the four environments to achieve higher levels of quality and learning.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Module 1: Overview

February 2025 (TBD)

Module 2: PITCH Training (in person at Southern Summit)

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Module 3: Setting the Physical Space to reduce dysregulation and increase learning.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Module 4: Managing your own emotions and creating relationships that matter with young children and their families: building your capacity for interpersonal relationships.

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Module 5: Does your daily schedule reflect your needs or the needs of the children? Creating temporal environments that matter.

Thursday, March 13, 2025


Module 6: Do you expect children to fit your curriculum plans or do your plans meet your children’s needs?

Thursday, March 20, 2025


Module 7: Creating Harmony: Ensuring that your environments are spaces of respect, responsibility, relationships, and pride.

PITC/ Program for Infant Toddler Care- Live Virtual Series

PITC Cohort: PITC Infant/ Toddler Care in Group Care Settings

This course focuses on the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) approach to infant/toddler care and, specifically, the program policies and practices that best support the healthy development of infants and toddlers being cared for in groups. This course includes an exploration of infant/toddler environments, primary caregiving, continuity of care, small groups, individualized care, and caregiving routines as curriculum. There will be 3 optional coaching sessions offered throughout the course to reflect on the course topics and your program practices. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to describe and explain the program policies and practices that best meet the individual needs of infants and toddlers in a group care setting.  (Virtual/ Tuesday Nights 6:00pm-8:00pm. 20 hours total) Must pre-register and attend all sessions. Option to register course with Fresno State -1 unit/ Cost $75. Facilitator: Paulina Escamilla-Vestal, pvestal@wested.org  and Adele Cruz, acruz@wested.org will be “shadowing her”

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Overview of Course 6:00-7:00pm


Tuesday, September 3, 2024



Tuesday, September 10, 2024



Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Tuesday, September 24, 2024




Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Coaching (Optional) 6:00-7:00pm


Tuesday, October 8, 2024




Tuesday, October 15, 2024



Tuesday, October 22, 2024



Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Coaching (Optional) 6:00-7:00pm


Tuesday, November 5, 2024




Tuesday, November 12, 2024



Tuesday, November 19, 2024




Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Coaching (Optional) 6:00-7:00pm


PITC Cohort: PITC Infant/Toddler Learning and Development

This course focuses on the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) approach to infant/toddler care and, specifically, how to support healthy cognitive, perceptual and motor, and language development in group care settings. The course includes an exploration of best practices to support the inclusion of children with disabilities or delays. There will be 3 optional coaching sessions offered throughout the course to reflect on the course topics and your program practices. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Outline and describe how young children learn and effective approaches to facilitate infant/toddler cognitive development. Identify and explain effective approaches to meet and support young children’s language and perceptual and motor development. Describe the benefits of providing inclusive care that includes appropriate accommodation when caring for infants and toddlers with disabilities or delays. (Virtual/ Tuesday Nights 6:00pm-8:00pm. 20 hours total) Must pre-register and attend all sessions. Option to register course with Fresno State -1 unit/ Cost $75. Facilitator: Tal Ben-Ami, tbenami@wested.org

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Overview of Course 6:00-7:00pm


Tuesday, February 11, 2025



Tuesday, February 18, 2025




Tuesday, February 25, 2025



Tuesday, March 4, 2025



Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Coaching (Optional) 6:00-7:00pm


Tuesday, March 18, 2025




Tuesday, March 25, 2025




Tuesday, April 1, 2025




Tuesday, April 8, 2025


Coaching (Optional) 6:00-7:00pm


Tuesday, April 15, 2025




Tuesday, April 22, 2025




Tuesday, April 29, 2025




Tuesday, May 6, 2025


Coaching (Optional) 6:00-7:00pm


ASQ & ASQ:SE Training

Trainer: Denise Gale: dgale@edcoe.org (Virtual trainings)

The Ages and Stages Questionnaires® is a screening tool that can be used to screen infants and young children for delays during the crucial first five years of life. ASQ meets the recommendation by the California Department of Social Services to use standardized tools to identify children for referral. The ASQ-3 measures progress in a child’s development of communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, problem solving, and personal-social skills. The ASQ:SE addresses seven social-emotional areas: self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive behaviors, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people. ASQ:SE, which includes 8 questionnaires, covers 3 months throughs 5½ years of age.

Fall 2024 Cohort

October 17, 2024

October 24, 2024

November 7, 2024

November 14, 2024

6:00-8:00pm each day


Spring 2025 Cohort

March 4, 2025

March 5, 2025

March 6, 2025

1:00-4:00pm each day