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Tribal Child Care Association of California

The Preschool Development Grant

The Tribal Child Care Association of California is proud to announce that we were awarded funds to support the goals of the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG) by the California Department of Education (CDE). As a PDG partner we will be using the funds to help build capacity to support our Quality Improvement System (QIS) and to support leadership development in Tribal Child Care in CA. The project described was supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five Initiative (PDG), Grant Number 90TP0015-01-01 from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Office of Child Care, the Administration for Children and Families, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

TCCAC has an ongoing partnership with the the California Department of Education (CDE) Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD). They have committed to partner with TCCAC in support of the shared goals and vision outlined in our MOU. The vision includes increased access to statewide resources for Tribal Child Care programs in CA.  

The California Department of Education was awarded a Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Through this grant California will:

  • Complete a statewide needs assessment

  • Develop a strategic plan

  • Maximize parental choice and knowledge

  • Share best practices among early learning and care providers

  • Improve the overall quality of the early learning and care (ELC) programs

The Tribal Child Care Association of California (TCCAC) will primarily focus on Activity 5 of the Preschool Development Grant in CA.  TCCAC will be supporting Tribal Child Care programming to: Improving Overall Quality of Early Learning and Care Programs/Providers/ Services.

Some of the of Activity 5 objectives:

1. Identify and engage with all CA Tribal CCDF Grantees – including consortia member tribes 

2. Stakeholder Engagement – Cross-Sector Team (Tribes/CDE/First 5 CA/CA Dept of Social Services, etc)

3. Begin collecting Qualitative Data (input and insights) from Tribal CCDF programs to support next  steps for Quality Improvements (QI)

4. Planning for Tribal Leadership Gathering and Visioning for PDG Activity 5

5. TCCAC’s QCC Region 11 and Project HOPE will support action steps for data collection, input sessions, and overall planning

6. Gather Needs Assessments – Tribal CCDF Grantees invited to complete a QI self – assessment to identify QI needs/gaps in services/leadership needs/Tribal Leader engagement/Cultural Appropriate Practices in training, etc.  

7. Each Tribal Grantee will receive the language about PDG and Activity 5

8. Tribal Child Care Association of California – Tribal Leadership Gathering and Leadership Visioning Sessions – (Tribal Leadership voices, cultural celebration, TCCAC give away, Tribe-State collaboration and shared visioning  – engagement of the Region 11 Tribal QCC/QIS and Project HOPE

9. TCCAC – PDG next steps – gather feedback at Tribal Leadership Gathering and look at the data to support next steps (cultural lens to next steps in leadership supports, including Tribal Leader voices) 

10. Feedback Loops for planning next steps – and Tribal CCDF Administration Leadership development                                (coaches, mentors, cultural brokers, training of the state trainers for cultural competencies)